Perdita Sinclair seeks out diverse first-hand experiences and research to inform the constructions of reality in her work. She is inspired by, nature, AI, climate change, psychology and folk tales. She does not seek to create surreal work but is interested in capturing a sense of the strangeness of the world right now. Her engagement with folk tales and other stories draws on their existential and creationist narratives to seek connections through deep time until the present.
Whilst researching marine animal Sinclair noticed AI generated versions nestled in amongst photographs and human interpretations of the real creatures. This observation led her to look into the wide-ranging covert impactions of AI. She generates her own AI species and interpreted into the paintings amongst the ‘real’ animals. capturing a sense of humanness in the unhuman.
Sinclair’s interest in psychology, especially Carl Roger’s theories that challenge the notion that we all inhabit the same reality inspired her to train as a Person-Centred Counsellor. Her art draws parallels with Rogers’ notion, and the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, situating her work in a kind of superposition where many realities could be possible.
Her intrepidity has also seen her collaborate with Functional Anatomy, leading to her becoming artist in residence on human dissection courses at both Oxford University and Imperial College. She has also conducted two painting residencies with ESKFF at Mana Contemporary, USA, and worked alongside scientists from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, to make a large light installation that spanned the length of the Millennium Seed Bank atrium. She has exhibited extensively in the UK and internationally, including recently at Mana Contemporary, USA, and the Royal Academy of Art, London.
For current exhibition and events check out Instagram @perditasinclair
CV on request
Photograph by Alan Callander